Immaculate Conception
Kendall Lewis Music Analyst - Notoriety "So, I was taking a walk the other day..." Scientists believe that the slightest wrong bit in a code of DNA. can have drastic consequences, such as a genetic anomaly. Today, the music industry has dwarfed its very own BLOOD. and hip hop towards an unconventional state. Quantity has surpassed quality. There are so many artists riding on a particular wave nowadays, but there aren't many willing to exist on an island. Everything seems to sound the same . Flows are replicated, beats sound similar and the charts are filled with so many cast away one-hit wonders. YAH. A lot of negativity in the world is drifting society towards a path of disarray. This Generation desperately needs a brave disciple that's willing to move people towards the right direction. Thankfully, a foundation has been set by an entity that continues to objectively strive away from the norm in order to have an effect on the character, culture, dev...